The year 1886 is considered the year of birth of the electric machine, as it was on this date that the German scientist Werner Von Siemens, idealized the first self induced inductive current generator. This electric machine in a few years, revolutionized the world, was invented in the last period of studies, inventions and research of many other scientists in a great period, of approximately three centuries.
In 1600, the English scientist William Gilbert published in London a work called Magnete, which described the force of magnetic attraction. The great landmark of static electricity had previously been verified by the Greek Tales in 641 BC Tales proved that by rubbing a piece of amber with a piece of cloth, the piece obtained the property of being able to attract light bodies such as leaves, dust , hair and feathers.
The first electrostatic machine was designed in 1663, by the German Otto Von Guericke, being perfected some time later, in the middle of 1775, by the Swiss Martin Plant. When the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted experimented with electric currents, it was possible to ascertain in 1820 that the magnetic compass needle was diverted from its original north-south position as it passed near a conductor in the which circulated an electric current.